Bullrock Calibrated Plates Review

Bullrock Fitness has gone the extra step to calibrate all of its plates. These cast iron plates will be more precise than their competitors.📷

0.25kg Pair, 0.5kg Pair, 1.25kg Pair, 2.5kg Pair, 5kg Pair, 10kg Pair, 15kg Pair, 20kg Pair, 25kg Pair  (159kg Set)

What do you get?

These plates are just over an inch wide and about 20 to 30% thinner than other machine plates.

These cast iron weight plates could be great for powerlifters.  If you want to practice like you play and especially if you haven’t lifted calibrated plates before.

If you want to participate in powerlifting and want an accurate weight with beautiful colour-coded plates, they are by far the best option.

Want to buy a powerlifting plate? Check the blog.  Other low cost options are inside...