Nicely chalked up hands can increase your grip strength, boost your performance, eliminate sweaty hands, and prevent injuries.
That make other sports not only easier but also safer. Just a bit of moisture on your hands can be the difference between success and failure.
Why use gym chalk?
Use of chalk for strength training will increase the repetitions you perform with the same weight, indeed allows you to boost your PRs
Boost Performance
This gym chalk helps in increasing grip strength which enhances safety and results in injury prevention
Injury Prevention
Eliminates sweaty hands resulting your training sessions easier and safer. Naturally anti-bacterial, so you can feel safe using shared gym equipment also
Ease, Safety - Anti-Bacterial
No Fillers Present
Without any fillers! Our non-toxic, 100% Pure Magnesium Carbonate, has no fillers, scents, No fillers equal better quality and better value!