Ab Blaster

Ab wheel rollouts are without a doubt the best technique to work out all of your muscle groups at once.  It helps you strengthen your abs, and burn fat throughout your entire body.

What is Ab Roller?

It's essentially a wheel with handles on the sides that you can turn outwards while doing traditional crunches or situps on the floor—or even standing – to make ab workouts easier.

It focuses on the rectus abdominis muscle, sometimes known as the "six-pack muscle."  This muscle flexes your torso and pulls your ribcage towards your spine.

What muscles does ab roller work?

The Dr Trust Ab Blaster Roller Wheel is a single 2 inch dual textured treaded rubber wheel that is ergonomically constructed.  This Ab wheel is skid resistant.

It allows you to work out whenever and wherever you choose with its detachable design you can assemble it with 0 hassle.


This high-quality roller wheel is built to last.  It is extremely durable and may be used for more than just floor workouts. 

High Quality & Robust Body

Dr Trust AB Wheel- Fitness Roller

– Strengthens upper body muscles, trims your waistline, burns excess calories